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specialista in ostetricia e ginecologia


aggiornato al 31 - 01 - 2016

Vergani, Mariani, Sirtori, Strobelt, Roncaglia, Orsenigo.

Is antenatal diagnosis of congenital deformities always possible? International Symposium on Congenital Postural Deformities, Montegrotto Terme (PD), Maggio 1990.


Romero, Moroder, Strobelt, Sirtori, Mazor, Vergani, Mandelli.

Spontaneous preterm parturition is associated with fetal growth accelleration. Eleventh Annual Meeting, Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, Gennaio 1991, Am J Obstet Gynecol 164 (n.1 part 2) :377, 1991.


Zanini, Norchi, Ragusa, Strobelt, Lissoni.

Induction of labour with vaginal PGE2 gel: a controlled clinical trial. 2nd European Congress on Prostaglandins in Reproduction, Amsterdam, Maggio 1991.


Ghidini, Vergani, Strobelt, Roncaglia, Spelta, Locatelli.

Clinical significance of uterine leiomyomata in pregnancy. Presented at the Twelth Annual Meeting, Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, Febbraio 1992, Am J Obstet Gynecol 166 (n.1 part 2) :327, 1992.


Vergani, Mariani, Ghidini, Schiavina, Cavallona, Locatelli, Strobelt, Ceruti.

Screening for congenital disease using the four-chamber view of the fetal heart. Am J Obstet Gynecol 167:1000-3, 1992.


Ghidini, Vergani, Mariani, Schiavina, Ciarla, Spelta, Strobelt.

What is the predictive value of the four-chamber view of the fetal heart in the prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart defects? Twelth Annual Meeting, Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, Febbraio 1992, Am J Obstet Gynecol 166 (n.1 part 2) :327, 1992.


Roncaglia, Locatelli, Strobelt, Ciarla, D'Oria.

Feocromocitoma in gravidanza: caso clinico. Ann Ost Gin Med CXIII:V:245-248, 1992.


Strobelt, Locatelli, Cavallone, Pensabene, Vergani.

Sindrome da banda amniotica. Analisi della letteratura e casi clinici. Ann Ost Gin Med CXIII:V:258-262, 1992.


Ghidini, Vergani, Strobelt, Roncaglia, Spelta, Locatelli.

The natural history of uterine leiomyomata in pregnancy. 37th Annual Convention, American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, Marzo 1993, J Ultrasound Med 12:S1-S92.



D'Oria, Vergani, Strobelt, Scian, Galimberti, Pensabene.

The use of betamethasone in the prevention of respiratory distress syndrome. 2nd World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Roma, Settembre 1993.


Vergani, Locatelli, Cavallone, Mariani, Strobelt, Arosio.

Does amnioinfusion prevent pulmonary hypolasia in PROM before 25 weeks? 2nd World Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Roma, Settembre 1993.


Locatelli, Cavallone, Vergani, Strobelt, Paterlini, Parravicini.

Diagnosi ecografica prenatale di doppio distretto renale ed esiti perinatali. Le Malformazioni Congenite: Gestione Ostetrico - Neonatologica, Varese, Ottobre 1993.


Vergani, Ghidini, Strobelt, Locatelli, Mariani, Bertalero, Cavallone.

Prognostic indicators in the prenatal diagnosis of agenesis of corpus callosum. Am J Obstet Gynecol 170:753-8; 1994.


Vergani, Strobelt.

Antenatal sonographic findings of agenesis of corpus callosum. in Callosal agenesis: a natural split brain?, pagg. 63 - 67. Plenum Press, New York, 1994.


Strobelt, Ghidini, Cavallone, Pensabene, Ceruti, Vergani.

The natural history of uterine leiomyomas in pregnancy. J Ultrasound Med 13:399-401, 1994.


Vergani, Ghidini, Strobelt, Roncaglia, Locatelli, Mangioni.

Do uterine leiomyomata influence pregnancy outcome? Am J Perinatol 11:356 - 358, 1994.


Ghidini, Strobelt, Lynch, Berkowitz.

Fetal urinoma: a case report and review of its clinical significance. J Ultrasound Med 13:989 - 991, 1994.


Vergani, Zanetta, Locatelli, Strobelt, Mariani, Cavallone.

Clinical significance of fetal intraventicular hemorrhage. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 4 (suppl.1) :165, abstr. 273, 1994.


Trio, Zanetta, Strobelt, Picciolo, Rangoni, Dalla Valle.

Prognostic factors in expectant management for ectopic pregnancy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 4 (suppl.1) :75, abstr. 81, 1994.


Trio, Picciolo, Strobelt, Lapinski, Ghidini.

Prognostic factors for successful expectant management of ectopic pregnancy. Fertil Steril 63:469 - 472, 1995.


Strobelt, Ghidini, Locatelli, Vergani, Mariani, Biondi.

Intrauterine diagnosis and management of transient myeloproliferative disorder. Am J Perinatol 12:132 - 134, 1995.


Vergani, Ceruti, Strobelt, Locatelli, D'Oria, Mariani, Ghidini.

Transabdominal amnioinfusion in oligohydramnios at term with intact membranes prior to induction of labor: a randomized clinical trial. 16th Annual Meeting. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, February 1996. Am J Obstet Gynecol 174:490, 1996.


Vergani, Strobelt, Locatelli, Paterlini, Tagliabue, Parravicini, Ghidini.

Clinical significance of fetal intracranial hemorrhage. Am J Obstet Gynecol 175:536 - 543, 1996.


Locatelli, Vergani, Strobelt, Ceruti, Mariani, D’Oria.

Clinical outcome of mild fetal cerebral ventriculomegaly. The Fetus as a Patient, XIIth International Congress, Grado, Italy, Maggio 1996.


Vergani, Strobelt, Locatelli, Scarcelli, Piccoli, Patanè, Cavallone.

Associated sonographic findings as indication to prenatal karyotype in fetuses with choroid plexus cysts. The Fetus as a Patient, XIIth International Congress, Grado, Maggio 1996.


Vergani, Ceruti, Strobelt, Locatelli, D'Oria, Mariani.

Transabdominal amnioinfusion in oligohydramnios at term before induction of labor with intact membranes: a randomized clinical trial. Am J Obtet Gynecol 175:465 - 470, 1996.


Vergani, Locatelli, Piccoli, Cavallone, Strobelt, Trocino, Schiavina.

Diagnosi prenatale delle cardiopatie congenite: accuratezza diagnostica ed esiti. Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia 26,I:p46, 1996.


Locatelli, Vergani, Ghidini, Strobelt, Cavallone, Paterlini.

Clinical outcome of isolated mild cerebral ventriculomegaly. 17th Annual Meeting of the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, California, USA, Gennaio 1997.


Vergani, Strobelt, Locatelli, Scarcelli, Piccoli, Ghidini.

Associated sonografic findings as indication for karyotype ananlysis in fetuses with choroid plexus cysts. 17th Annual Meeting of the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, California, USA, Gennaio 1997.


Vergani, Locatelli, Strobelt, Mariani, Cavallone, Ghidini.

Amnioinfusion for prevention of pulmonary hypoplasia in second trimester rupture of membranes. 17th Annual Meeting of the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, California, USA, Gennaio 1997.


Vergani, Ghidini, Ceruti, Strobelt, Spelta, Rescaldani, Zapparoli.

Congenital toxoplasmosis: a critical appraisal of secondary prophylaxis. 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, San Diego, California, USA, Marzo 1997.


Vergani, Locatelli, Strobelt, Piccoli, Mariani, Cavallone, Ceruti, Ghidini.

The efficacy of an ultrasonographic genetic score in the prediction of fetal chromosomal anomalies. 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, San Diego, California, USA, Marzo 1997.


Vergani, Locatelli, Strobelt, Mariani, Cavallone, Arosio, Ghidini.

Amnioinfusion for prevention of pulmonary hypoplasia in second trimester rupture of membranes. Am J Perinatol 14:325 - 329, 1997.


Vergani, Strobelt, Locatelli.

On fetal intracranial hemorrhage, reply to the editor (letter). Am J Obstet Gynecol 176:732, 1977.


Strobelt, Mariani, Ferrari, Trio, Caglioni.

Fertility outcome after surgical and non-surgical management of ectopic pregnancy. World Congress of Gynecologic Endoscopy, Roma, Giugno 1997. 


Ferrari, Mariani, Strobelt, Mignini Renzini, Ledà, Meroni.

Persistent tubal pregnancy after conservative treatment by salpingostomy. World Congress of Gynecologic Endoscopy, Roma, Giugno 1997.


Locatelli, Bellini, Strobelt, Arreghini, Vergani, Ghidini.

The role of amnioreduction in emergency cerclage. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, Miami, Florida, USA, Febbraio 1998.


Ghidini, Strobelt, Vergani, Locatelli, D’Oria.

Likelihood ratios of isolated choroid plexus cysts in trisomy 18. 18th Annual Meeting of the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians. Miami, Florida, USA, Febbraio 1998. 


Vergani, Locatelli, Strobelt, Cavallone, Paterlini, Ghidini.

Clinical outcome of isolated mild ventriculomegaly. Am J Obstet Gynecol 178:218 - 222, 1998.


Vergani, Ghidini, Ceruti, Strobelt, Spelta, Zapparoli, Rescaldani.

Congenital toxoplasmosis. Efficacy of metrnal treatment with spiramycin alone. Am J Reprod Immunol 39:335 - 340, 1998.


Zanetta, Lissoni, Trio, Mariani, Ceruti, Strobelt, Fei.

Usefulness of ultrasound for diagnosis and management of ovarian cysts in pregnancy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 12:77, 1998.


Locatelli, Vergani, Ghidini, Strobelt, Piccoli, Mariani, Pezzullo.

Which are the best second - trimester sonographic markers for the detection of trisomy 21? 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, San Francisco, USA, gennaio 1999, Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999; 180:s162 abs. 571.


Locatelli, Vergani, Ghidini, Strobelt, Piccoli, Mariani, Pezzullo.

Adjusting the age-related risk of Down syndrome in women less than 35 years of age with the use of sonographic markers. 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, San Francisco, USA, gennaio 1999, Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999; 180:s162 abs. 572.


Vergani, Locatelli, Ghidini, Strobelt, Piccoli, Ceruti, Pezzullo.

Optimal threshold of nuchal fold thickness to reduce the risk of Down syndrome in women of 35 years or more. 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, San Francisco, USA, gennaio 1999, Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999; 180:s163 abs. 573.


Vergani, Locatelli, Ghidini, Strobelt, Piccoli, Ceruti, Pezzullo.

Second trimester sonographic long bone length in fetal Down syndrome: is it a reliable predictor across athnic groups? 19th Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, San Francisco, USA, gennaio 1999, Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999; 180:s163 abs. 574.


Locatelli, Vergani, Strobelt, Piccoli, Ceruti, Ghidini.

Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy: effects of timed intervention on perinatal mortality. 46th Annual Meeting of the SGI, Atlanta, 1999.


Locatelli, Vergani, Bellini, Strobelt, Arreghini, Ghidini.

Amnioreduction in emergency cerclage with prolapsed membranes . Am J Perinatol 1999;16:73 - 77.


Vergani, Locatelli, Piccoli, Maraiani, Strobelt, Pezzullo, Ghidini.

Critical reappraisal of the utility of sonographic fetal femour length in the prediction of trisomy 21. Prenat Diagn 2000; 20:210 - 214.


Ghidini, Strobelt, Locatelli, Mariani, Piccoli, Vergani.

Isolated fetal choroid plexus cysts: role of ultrasonography in establishment of the risk of trisomy 18. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000; 182:972 - 977. 


Kirn, Strobelt, Vergani, Consonni.

Early second trimester discordant fetal growth and clinical outcome of twin gestation. ? 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Miami Beach, USA, febbraio 2000, Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;182:s118 abs. 351.


Strobelt, Mariani, Locatelli, Fedeli, D’Alessio.

Threatened premature delivery with prolapsed amniotic sac leading to neonatal limb gangrene. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2000; 79:805 - 806.


Strobelt, Mariani, Ferrari, Trio, Tiezzi, Gidini.

Fertility after ectopic pregnancy. J Reprod Med 2000; 45:803 - 807.


Locatelli, Vergani, Bellini, Strobelt, Ghidini.

Can a cyclo-oxygenase type - 2 selective tocolytic agent avoid the fetal side effects of indomethacin? BJOG 2001; 108:325 - 326.


Strobelt, Locatelli, Ratti, Ghidini.

Cervico-isthmic pregnancy: a case report, critical reappraisal of the diagnostic criteria, and reassessmnet of the outcome. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2001; 80:586 - 588.


Vergani, Locatelli, Ghidini, Mariani, Strobelt, Biffi, Pezzullo.

Caveats for the use of humerus length in the prediction of fetal Down syndrome. Fetal Diagn Ther 2003; 18:190 - 195.


Zanetta, Mariani, Lissoni, Ceruti, Trio, Strobelt, Mariani.

A prospective study of the role of ultrasound in the management of adnexal masses in pregnancy. BJOG 2003; 110:578 - 583.


Strobelt, Ratti, Zani, Meregalli.

Randomized study on two dinoprostone administration routes for cervical priming and labor induction in low-Bishop pregnancy. 24th Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, New Orleans, USA, febbraio 2004, Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 189:s206 abs. 540


Vergani, Mariani, Ciriello, Locatelli, Strobelt, Galli, Ghidini.

Fetal arrhythmias: natural history and management. Ultrasound Med Biol 2005; 31:1 - 6. 


Strobelt, Meregalli, Ratti, Mariani, Zani, Morana.

Randomized study on removable PGE2 vaginal insert versus PGE2 cervical gel for cervical priming and labor induction in low-Bishop pregnancy. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2006; 85:302 - 305.


Auriemma, Rossi, Strobelt, Frigerio.

Mortalità e morbilità neonatale nell’alta prematurità: l’esperienza delgi Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo. It J Gynaecol Obstet 2008; 20:205 - 209.   


Ripamonti, Cattaneo, D’Avolio, Simiele, Bonora, Strobelt, Ruggeri, Bombana, Maggiolo, Suter.

Steady state pharmacokinetic of ritonavir-boosted atazanavir in 31 pregnant women before and after delivery. 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, San Francisco, USA, 16 - 19 febbraio 2010.


Marcora, Ciuffreda, Strobelt, Borghi.

High risk pregnancy in guch population: risk stratification and management. XL National Congress of the Italian Society of Pediatric Cardiology, Milano, 23 - 25 Settembre 2010. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2010; 11:S42 - P84. 


Mazza, Frigerio, Strobelt, Pavoni, Mammana.

Mola vescicolare in gravidanza con buon outcome neonatale, case report. Congresso Nazionale SIDIP, Roma 6 - 8 ottobre 2010.


Dodesini, Ciriello, Corsi, Maffeis, Scaranna, Pulcina, Strobelt, Lepore, Nosari, Trevisan.

La retinopatia e la nefropatia diabetica sono fattori di rischio per il parto cesareo nelle donne affette da diabete tipo 1 indipendentemente dal compenso glicemico. Poster n°5. XVII Congresso Interassociativo AMD - SID Lombardia, 10 - 11 giungno 2011, Rezzato (BS).  


Locatelli, Incerti, Ghidini, Longoni, Casarico, Ferrini, Strobelt.

Head-to-body delivery interval using “two-step” approach in vaginal deliveries: effect on umbilical artery pH. J Matern fetal Neonatal Med 2011; 24:799 - 803. 


Corsi, Ciriello, Scaranna, Pirola, Lepore, Strobelt, Nosari, Frigerio, Trevisan, Dodesini.

Controllo glicemico e outcomes ostetrici in gravide con diabete tipo1 trattate con terapia insulinica iniettiva o con microinfusore. PD60, Il Diabete, suppl.1, marzo 2012. 


Patanè, Pirola, Barresi, Cavalli, Strobelt, Frigerio, Dodesini, Trevisan, Ciriello.

Impact of pre - pregnancy BMI on maternal and fetal outcomes in Type 1 ic pregnancy (T1DM). Society for Maternal-fetal medicine 2013, 33th Annual Meeting. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013; 208,1:278.


Ciriello, Patanè, Pirola, Barresi, Cavalli, Strobelt, Frigerio, Dodesini, Trevisan.

Maternal serum A1C levels and triglycerides as predictive factor for LGA newborns in type 1 diabetic pregnancy.  Society for Maternal - fetal medicine 2013, 33th Annual Meeting. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2013; 208,1:279.


Patanè, Cavalli, Barresi, Piccoli, Pirola, Strobelt, Frigerio, Ciriello.

Feto-maternal outcomes in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy treated with ursodehoxicholic acid: do bile acide levels make the difference? The 7th International DIP Symposium. Florence, Italy, 13 - 3 - 2013.


Ciriello, Pirola, Dodesini, Trevisan, Strobelt, Frigerio, Cavalli, Patanè.

Impact of different regimens of insulin therapy in type 1 diabetic pregnancy. The 7th International DIP Symposium. Florence, Italy, 13 - 3 - 2013.


Revello, Lazzarotto, Guerra, Spinillo, Ferrazzi, Kustermann, Guaschino, Vergani, Todros, Frusca, Arossa, Furione, Rognoni, Rizzzo, Gabrielli, Klersy, Gerna, CHIP Study Group. Collaborators: Zavattoni, Lilleri, Stronati, Cervi, Contoli, Murano, Puccetti, Simonazzi, Piccirilli, Chiereghin, Petrisli, Lanari, Capretti, Tassis, Mosca, Pugni, Quarenghi, Ornaghi, Tibaldi, Masuelli, Scatà, Mombrò, Tomasoni, De Seta, De Santo, D'Ottavio, Demarini, Dal Molin, Merati, Cristina, Strobelt.

A randomized trial of hyperimmune globulin to prevent congenital citomegalovirus. N Engl J Med. 2014; 370:1316 - 26.


Patanè, Cavalli, Cattaneo, Strobelt, Barresi, Ciriello, Comerio, Comotti, Frigerio, Fruscella.

Transabdominal chorionic villous sampling: comparison of two different techiques. Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, 34th Annual Meeting.


Patanè, Cavalli, Mandelli, Strobelt, Frigerio, Pirola, Piccoli.

Bakri balloon tamponade and uterine packing with gauze in post-aprtum hemorrhage management: any difference? Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, 34th Annual Meeting. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014; 210,1:s - 657.


Fiocchi, D’Elia, Vittori, Sebastiani, Strobelt, Eleftheriou, Introna, Freddi, Crippa.

First report of successful pregnancy in an everolimus-treated heart transplanted patient: neonatal disappearance of immunosoppressive drugs. Am J Transplant 2015; XX:1 - 4.

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